The device is very safe. The cooling system is controlled by an electronic temperature sensor located in the processing head of the device and the temperature is controlled in real time by a curve and figures displayed in real time on the screen. In the event of a malfunction, the device alerts the operator by sounding a tone and displaying an error message.
The machine itself functions by a Peltier effect (thermoelectric cooling) regulated by a hydraulic system which ensures a very high inertia which is necessary for the correct application of the treatment in a minimum amount of time. These characteristics, which are very difficult to obtain, make it possible to enact a very rapid cooling of the fat tissues while avoiding the risk of lesions of the skin tissue due to an application that is too long. The principle of the treatment is to lower the temperature of the fat cells enough to cause what is called the phenomenon of apoptosis. This phenomenon is triggered when the temperature of the fat tissues is between 17° and 12° and consists of a self-programming of the death of these cells.
The major benefit sought is a decrease in fat mass. It must not be forgotten that the apparatus is not only capable of emitting cold, but also heat and causing the two to alternate, thus causing “thermal shock”. This method of thermal shock is particularly restorative for tissues by a significant increase of local microcirculation and collagen.
The feeling is rather pleasant at the start of the treatment, which is generally done with a short period of skin warming and a gradual but rapid decrease of the temperature. At the end of the treatment, the thermal shock appears very quickly, which gives a feeling of warmth and lightness at the same time.
There are few contraindications to treatment. But we must still be vigilant to some pathologies:
Raynaud’s syndrome
Allergy to cold
Pregnant woman
Uncontrolled diabetes
The usual frequency is 1 treatment every 15 days (for slimming treatments). There is a physiological reason for this: when apoptosis occurs and fat cells die, waste is formed. This will be eliminated by natural routes (blood, lymphatic system, and then urine). Metabolism must, therefore, be allowed to evacuate this waste without overloading the circuits.
Toning treatments can be performed once every week.
For clients under 45: 1x per week for first 5 sessions, then maintain as needed
For clients over 45: 1x per 3-4 days for first 5 sessions, then maintain as needed
Nothing. If anything, the best possible diet and lifestyle to accompany the treatments (drink plenty of water in particular).
Please pay attention to the important information in preparation for your CRYOSLIMMING™ appointment for maximum results:
Please DO NOT EAT or DRINK any sugar, foods that contain sugar or carbohydrates that convert into sugar (i.e. fruit, juices, white bread, white rice, pasta, etc.) 2 hours prior to your appointment time.
Try to avoid working out or doing anything that increases your body temperature at least ONE hour before your session.
Within 8 hours prior to your appointment, consume at least 64 ounces of water.
Within 12 hours after your appointment, consume an additional 64 ounces of water.
Please arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment time.
The treatment works by triggering the phenomenon of apoptosis of the fat cells. This is achieved without risk to the other tissues (in particular muscular tissue) by the fact that the intracellular electrolytes of the fat cell are the first to crystallize in the cold before all the others. This crystallization is information brought to the cell to program self-destruction. One could say that cryotherapy is a homeopathic treatment specific to the fat cell.
It is very common that there is a loss of weight during the treatment. This is due both to the loss of fat mass but also to the drainage techniques (exercise, etc) and the diet and lifestyle required.
The Cryoskin machine is capable of causing thermal shock due to its ability to alternate rapidly and automatically between periods of skin warming (up to 40°) and cooling (up to -8°). This phenomenon causes a very strong increase in the local metabolism and an acceleration of the microcirculation which are both responsible for the production of collagen. The collagen thus brings elasticity and toning to the skin and makes it possible to visibly combat skin aging.
There are other manual cryotherapy machines, but no other machine is currently capable of an inertia as strong as the Cryoskin. This inertia is due to the fact that the device does not only produce cold. It works by heat exchange with the body and the ability to descend very strongly and very quickly the temperature of the tissues by absorption of calories, accumulation of calories and evacuation by a system equipped with a ventilated hydraulic radiator.
The phenomenon of apoptosis is a natural phenomenon. A programmed natural death of the fat cell. This is a self-destruction specifically for fat cells, whose ingredients are going to be removed slowly and naturally from the body at the rate of metabolism.
Aided by complementary drainage methods, the treatments can eventually be reduced to 10 or 12 days. Otherwise, the results may be thwarted by the natural cycle of waste disposal and thus increase the risk of clogging the pathways. This does not represent a significant risk but would compromise the harmony of the results.
This is necessary as to not overload the circuits. There is a strong internal cooling of the tissues and the treating of more zones at the same time could cause in extreme cases hypothermia, but in many cases a phenomenon of great fatigue.
In our opinion and advice: NO
– Face and arm in a session for example
– Belly and legs in another session
In general, it is always advisable to treat on the upper OR lower body in a session.
The legs would count as one area because you would divide the time between each leg (14 mins on one leg, 14 mins on the other).
The risks concern only people with contraindications mentioned and remain minor and temporary.
The treatment is not for clients requiring weight loss but rather for the vast majority of those who have unsightly cellulite or fatty areas (often due to poor diet, poor lifestyle or a static workplace, for example). The treatment is a therapy to re-harmonize the body’s curves and not a slimming cure.
The first results are generally visible from the first session and often very encouraging. However, it should be noted that the best results appear from 15 days to 3 weeks after the start of treatment and extend for several months after the end of treatment.
Depending on the individual and depending also on their lifestyle and diet, the results last several months or several years. It is advisable to practice 2 or 3 sessions 6 months after the end of treatment to maintain results.
By implementing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a good diet.
The programmed temperatures depend on the desired effects and the zones being worked on. When the effect sought is more superficial (for example to cause hypervascularization of the epidermis and the dermis), the temperatures employed will be cold but positive because the tissue is more superficial and does not require the phenomenon of apoptosis be caused, but rather an acceleration of microcirculation and collagen production. On the contrary, when the desired effect is deeper (belly fat layer, for example), the
temperatures employed will be aimed at causing apoptosis by crystallization of intracellular electrolytes and therefore the temperatures employed will be largely negative.
Cryolipolysis is the use of below-zero temperatures to eliminate fat in the body whereas thermotherapy is the use of cold temperatures to rejuvenate and smooth the skin. Used for massaging the face and the body, CRYOSKIN 3.0 delivers temperatures between -2°C to +4°C with the following effects:
Accelerates biochemical reactions, increasing the oxygen and nutrient supply to the tissue, obtaining a draining effect.
Stimulates the production of collagen, improving the elasticity of the skin.
Firms muscles which retract with the cold.
Lasts for several months with only a few sessions.
The CRYOSKIN 3.0 is the only device on the market offering facial rejuvenation treatments.
15 years or older
There are few failures. But sometimes some morphologies and metabolisms do not give the expected results. It is also very often observed that these partial failures are due to very poor diet/lifestyle or undeclared medical conditions.
The gel has been specially designed to retain all its qualities of gliding and protection from -30 ° up to +60 °. Apart from the fact that the treatment head will have difficulty sliding on the skin, the heat and especially the cold will be much less penetrating and the risks of spontaneous freezing of the water contained in the surface tissues will be increased, therefore increasing the risk of alteration of these tissues. The treatment will thus be much less effective and much less pleasant or even unpleasant. The results will not be there and this is one of the few causes of failure.
No, we are unaware of any serious side effects from this therapy.
The treatment causes vasodilation in the treated area. This increases blood flow which results in increased collagen production. Collagen helps to break down cellulite but, cellulite will return if there are no changes in diet and exercise.
You should do slimming one week, toning the next week and repeat – as this will reduce fat and also stimulate collagen production which breaks down fat. Ideally, before and after the slimming treatments, customers need to drink 64 ounces of water.
4cm (about 1.5 inches) – but you need 14 minutes to get there.
The cold creates vasodilation in the treated area. This increases the production of collagen which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment also closes the pores and increases the elasticity of the skin which gives you the “Cryoskin glow”. However, the aging process continues unfortunately so the effect is not permanent.
Subcutaneous is the easiest to reach so it reaches this layer easily. Fibrotic is more difficult to reach but the gel conveys the cold very well by removing the bubbles of air on the skin to help conduct the cold and this allows you to reach this.
Please DO NOT EAT or DRINK any sugar, foods that contain sugar or carbohydrates that convert into sugar (i.e. fruit, juices, white bread, white rice, pasta, etc.) 2 hours prior to your appointment time.
Try to avoid working out or doing anything that increases your body temperature at least ONE hour before your session.
Within 8 hours prior to your appointment, consume at least 64 ounces of water.
Within 12 hours after your appointment, consume an additional 64 ounces of water.
Please arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment time.
No. Unless you cover the wound with some sort of plaster. The reason for this is not to pass bodily fluid onto the wand. If you cover the wound, then treat through the cover the treatment should help to heal due to increased blood flow to the area.
It’s best to wait 1 week after these treatments to make sure the treated areas are fully healed.
To get the best results following a Cryoskin session, you should not eat sugar 2 hours before and 2 hours after the session. The reason is sugar is a strong power source for fat cells. It’s factual, all nutritionists would attest that to succeed a diet slimming, sugar is the first thing to stop. As you know, the cold weakens and retracts the adipocyte but if you eat sugar, that will give it back immediate energy so the apoptosis effect will be less efficient or even could be canceled. Be careful, when we talk about sugar, we talk about all kind of sugars as slow sugar (pasta, rice, bread, cereals…) and of course fast-acting sugar. If possible, the client should avoid all kind of sugar for 4 to 5 hours before and after the Cryoskin session, but it’s a maximum. 2 hours is the usual recommended time to get results.